Friday, April 27, 2012

The intentions post

Disclaimer: I am probably not going to literally dismember any books for this blog. It's not that I haven't tried. It's just that every attempt has ended in me owning more books, not less, and I don't see that changing any time soon - no matter how many copies of Pride and Prejudice I own (never enough, especially as none of them actually made it to my current flat).

No - this blog is a bit more abstract. Rather than take a scalpel to my library, I'm going to take a, erm, brain-scalpel to book design. Cover art, typefaces, paper stock, layout - innards and outards, the lot. I'll be looking at design trends across the world and over the years, discussing trends, and possibly talking a bit too much about how much I appr

In the meantime, Brian Dettman, as I'm sure half the Internet knows by now, really has been slicing up some books:

Dettman's work is consistently fantastic, but I particularly love this one because it looks like a caterpillar. And I think we can all agree that if the world needs more of anything, it's caterpillar-books. Look at its little not-a-face! Awww.

See Brian Dettman's website for more of his work.